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I am a proud mother of two amazing starseeds. I get to see the world anew through their eyes. I am a Believer of love. Conjurer of magic. Bringer of Light.


Over the years I have studied multiple forms of meditation, occult traditions, tribal living and quantum theories. My life has led me around the globe, creating a path to learn and grow in unfamiliar spaces while I unlearned and outgrew limiting belief patterns.


My intention is to always come from a place of expanded consciousness, to dive deeper into self and assist others in awakening to their divinity. Pranic healing, reiki, sound and crystal therapy are just some of the modalities that have assisted me on this journey. Divination tools play a significant role in my days, along with amplified clair senses and ability to channel life force energy with intent.


My purpose is to heal old wounds that are stored in the body and mind, cultivating love where those scars remain.To uncloak truth and illuminate knowledge that is our birth right.



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